Fantasy Comic League: Do You Even Comic Book!? May 2018

From the dredges of the globe, and the corners of the earth, convening together in a mass of comic knowledge, comes the Do You Even Comic Book!? Division. A veteran of the league TGShep proves that she indeed does, with Team Manly Men, managing to get the big three Avengers all on one team and…

Fantasy Comic League: Danger Room Training Report for April 2018 *Season Finale*

For the #FantasyComicLeague the #DangerRoom is lead by Bachman  @anthonybachman who along with his fellow mutants Trevitt @TrevittTrev,  Daily @DailyXmenFacts, Robert @robertcyoung, and Swampy @swampy19 monthly brave the Danger Room to keep the Marvel Universe safe. In the 4th month for the Danger Room, the season comes to an end and the first seasonal champion of the Danger Room is crowned! For the month of April, their drafted heroes used their…

Fantasy Comic League: Danger Room Training Report for February 2018

For the #FantasyComicLeague the #DangerRoom is lead by Bachman  @anthonybachman who along with his fellow mutants Trevitt @TrevittTrev,  Daily @DailyXmenFacts, Robert @robertcyoung, and Swampy @swampy19 monthly brave the Danger Room to keep the Marvel Universe safe. In just the 2nd month for the Danger Room, our mutants combined for a league 1ST PLACE score of 371 points! Go Mutants!!! In total their drafted heroes used their powers…