Fantasy Comic League: Official Scoring, Week 17 – April 25, 2018

The Doctor is in! Stephen Strange ends the month of April and the first season of the 2018 Fantasy Comic League on a high note. After reminding audiences why he holds the title of Sorcerer Supreme in Avengers: Infinity War, Doctor Strange breaks out of his depressed and damned state in the comics. At the end of…

Fantasy Comic League: May 2018 – Preview

A new, yet familiar, team of heroes assembles in Marvel’s rebooted flagship Avengers book. Marvel’s “Fresh Start” initiative aligns perfectly with the new season of the Fantasy Comic League and the Avengers are topping the tier previews, unsurprisingly well-timed with the recent release of Avengers: Infinity War. More than half of the new Avengers team claims a spot…

Fantasy Comic League: The Latveria Legislature – March 2018

Shadowy and powerful forces quietly move against the newly formed government of Latveria. The League’s leadership hears whispers of hostile players moving into place, like pieces across a chessboard. Checkmate approaches for the Agents of the #FantasyComicLeague with just one month left in the season. Can the agents continue their stalwart performance of the country during its transition…

Fantasy Comic League: April 2018 – Preview

All the recent Venom mini-series culminate in the month of April in Venomized, which picks up where the recent X-Men Blue team-up event ended. The Poisions are coming for the entire Marvel Universe. Which Marvel heroes will be next to merge with a symbiote? Appearance estimates center around Venom, the X-Men Blue team, and any hero who shows up…

Episode 95 – Everything is Super in 2018!

The Mixed Marvel Arts Podcast bowls through the new movie trailers released during the big sports ball game! Brian and Shaun start with their first look at Star Wars’ next anthology film, Solo and they end the podcast episode right as the Avengers: Infinity War drops. In between, they also discuss the next entries in the Cloverfield and Planet…